| Most comfortable way to travel in Economy - Empty Seat OPass offers the most comfortable way to travel in Economy Class. You get more space, comfort, convenience, extra room to work on your laptop or share a private conversation with your companion. Lie flat or sleep comfortably on your Economy FlatBed throughout your flight except when seat belts sign is on. |
 | Full exclusive usage of assigned FlatBeds or Empty Seats - You will have exclusive usage for your assigned Economy FlatBeds or Empty Seats throughout your flight. No other Passenger can use those seats. |
 | Get your Virtual Private Cabin within Economy - If you are traveling with family and kids or a larger group, you could also secure multiple Economy FlatBeds adjacent to each other, thereby creating a virtual private cabin of your own! Make your seats your living room and allow your kids to play games or do drawings or simply enjoy a happy family time. |
 | Substantial savings - Empty Seat OPass lowers the per Empty Seat cost substantially, offering up to 50% discount. |
 | Tailor made for you - You can personalize the Empty Seat OPass and select your desired parameters like Travel Zone, Travel Period, the number of empty seats and the number of Passengers. |
 | Pool and Share - Pool and share your Empty Seat OPass with your family, friends or colleagues for maximum flexibility and savings. The more empty seats you buy in your OPass, the cheaper the price per empty seat. |
 | Boost your professional productivity - The FlatBed in economy class can help to enhance your work productivity and efficiency by providing you with extra room and space to work on a laptop or hold business discussions with your colleagues in the flight. |
 | All Inclusive Price - Empty Seat OPass is inclusive of the fare and taxes for empty seats. You need not pay any additional amount to book empty seats with Empty Seat OPass |
 | Easy to change or manage OPass - Its quite convenient and easy to modify your Empty Seat OPass online in the Manage My OPass section on our website. You can top-up additional number of empty seat credits, extend your travel validity, add or replace enlisted Passengers, expand or modify your travel zone at a nominal cost. |
 | Easy to use - You gain empty seat options for multiple journeys using a single Empty Seat OPass. |
 | Automatic Credit Addback - If not assigned empty seats, the empty seat credits will be added back to your Empty Seat OPass. |
 | Maximize your Empty Seat Chances - The more you sign up, the higher are your chances for empty seats. |
 | Easy to Move Empty Seats in case of a Flight Change - If you change your flight before you are assigned empty seats, you can easily move your empty seats to the new flight. To do so, visit Manage My Booking section. |